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Browser tips and tricks, my tests

Note that, by default, Firefox and IE align the page elements differently.
For ex, Firefox aligns elements to the left, and IE to center.
Hence you may need to write in your page, like: align="left" to get the left display properly in IE.

If you want to control the display of elements in IE6 and other browsers, you can use !important property. (People still using IE6 are not better than early men).

A way to control the display of elements in IE6 and other browsers:
.main-nav { margin-top: 10px; *margin-top: 20px; }
// IE6 takes margin-top: 20px, other browsers take margin-top: 10px;

Check that there are no unclosed comments in the file, in either css or javascript code, like for example, the html comments are opened, but not closed later.

Better to write the style tags before the script tags in a file, as browsers like chrome may not work properly.

Its better to include the css (and probably js ?) files in the header file. Because the css is global for the entire site (all files need it). But all js files may not be needed by every php file in our site. Also, while the page is loading, for the initial few seconds, the page may appear as if the css file is not present. (Takes time to load css). So its always good to include your css files in header file.

Generally, web designers say that it is not right to specify height for divs...
But i think its better to provide height for certain divs which contain an image... especially if the divs are laid continuously, with each div containing an image.

In IE6, the last sub menu item is disappearing when we mouseover on it. It is solved by adding: height: 30px; to the class: .jqueryslidemenu ul li ul li{}

 It is important to include the scripts in the hierarchical fashion, in the order of their dependency. For example, it is important to include the jquery javascript file, before including the lightbox javascript file in our code, as lightbox functionality needs jquery to be initialised first.


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