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Identify the user's browser

Sometimes there arises a need to identify the user's browser.

It is pretty easy to find browser with jquery. So if you have included jquery in your page, it takes a simple line to identify the browser: 

if ($.browser.msie) {} // IE
if (($.browser.msie) && ($.browser.version == '6.0')) {} // IE6
if ($.browser.opera) {} // opera
if ($.browser.mozilla) {} // Firefox

With the help of php, you can get the browser 
details with the help of: 

Or you can even use the combined version of php and javascript.
php + javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var string1 = "<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; ?>"; // Browser string

var myRegExp1 = /Firefox/;
var matchPos1 =;

var myRegExp2 = /Chrome/;
var matchPos2 =;

var myRegExp3 = /MSIE/;
var matchPos3 =;

if(matchPos1 != -1)
document.write("Firefox was found");

else if(matchPos2 != -1)
document.write("Chrome was found");

else if(matchPos3 != -1)
document.write("Internet Explorer was found");

document.write("Neither Firefox, IE or chrome was found");


Try this code in different browsers and see the difference. Enjoy :)


  1. Thank you Sashi. This code is nice. Yes, there are times when we've to detect the clients browser to render the appropriate content.Thanks for contributing and making me learn little PHPs.Keep your good work going.


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