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Joomla validate chrono forms using jquery

It is a common practice to use Chrono forms in our joomla site to setup various forms in the site, be it a contact us form, submit a ticket form, or whatever. I have set the option "validate form" to "No" under chronoform settings in admin panel, and also preferred to not include any js or css files. For validating the chrono forms, i prefer jquery. So first lets add jquery support in our joomla. It is quite simple: 1. Download jquery.js and jquery_min.js (1.4.2 version is enough) and place them in media/system/js folder of your joomla. 2. Edit libraries->joomla->html->html->behavior.php, and add the following function below the mootools() function: function jQuery($debug = null)     {         static $loaded;         global $mainframe;         // Only load once         if ($loaded) {    ...
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